Fri. Sep 20th, 2024
Occasional Digest - a story for you

A VIDEO showing a tiger’s scary ability to camouflage in the forest has been shared to social media.

The footage, which was captured by Indian Administrative Service officer Sanjay Kumar, shows the big cat prowling through the undergrowth as it tries to remain unseen.

The tiger is hidden somewhere in this image3

The tiger is hidden somewhere in this image

However, it is still a real challenge to identify one of Earth’s deadliest predators amongst all the foliage.

But if you can spot it in our freeze frame image in less than 10 seconds then you might just have 20/20 vision.

Situated in the Pilibhit tiger reserve in Uttar Pradesh, the animal can be seen blending in with it’s surroundings as it sits behind a thick green cover.

In the 22-second clip, a general view of the forest in front of the camera man can be seen.

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However, as noted by Sanjay on his Twitter post, the rhesus macaques in the tree tops had been alerted of the tiger’s presence and were sounding the alarm.

Their calls can be heard in the video, which helped Sanjay to realise that danger was nearby.

Lurking in the distance is the tiger, which quickly shakes it’s head to prompt the cameraman to zoom in on it.

But despite this, the tiger remains rather tricky to identify on first glance.

Earlier this week, The Sun challenged its readers to spot a hidden dog within an optical illusion in less than 15 seconds.

You may also fancy trying your hand at spotting another hidden animal, this time a deer, as it hides in plain sight.

The tiger is hidden in the centre of the picture


The tiger is hidden in the centre of the picture
A close-up image revealing the location of the tiger


A close-up image revealing the location of the tiger

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