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The five most irritating holiday photos you’re forced to like on Instagram

Occasional Digest - a story for you

ON holiday, are you? Sharing the joy with friends back home who grit their teeth and post an amazed emoji at this predictable bullshit?  

Ticket photos 

A holiday to LA? Genuinely impressive. What’s less awe-inspiring is a shot of your hand holding boarding passes, because that’s mere admin. The price is always obscured because that would be boasting, whereas there’s a quiet dignity in sharing that you’ll be trapped in economy for 11 hours. 

The view from the plane window 

Interesting photographs have people and places in them. This has neither, whether it’s the tarmac of runway 08R/26L at Gatwick airport or the blue of any bit of sky. It’s essentially an ‘IN TRANSIT’ sign like when you check on a parcel. Still you’ll get friends insincerely giving it the thumbs-up. 

A candid of the gorgeous weather 

Cloudless blue skies and stunning sunsets are enjoyable if you’re there to witness them in person. Otherwise they’re a reminder that the sender is there and the receiver is in overcast, cold Britain and lunch will be a sandwich that tastes of fridge and overpriced crisps. Likes are low on this one. 

Meal after meal after sodding meal 

Photos of food are tiresome enough in this country, where you at least in theory could go to the place. Holiday meals are doubly smug because they not only look appetising, they’re sunlit and posted at fun times like 11am and 3pm when you’re morosely chewing a Twix. Your comment of ‘Mmm’ comes from a place of pure hatred. 

Anything involving landmarks 

Landmarks have been done. They have been photographed. There is no danger of them being forgotten. Your mate doesn’t give a shit about their cultural significance anyway. Selfies with Angkor Wat or the Leaning Tower of Pisa are being banked for their Tinder profiles for later luring an underwhelming shag. You add an amazed emoji. 

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