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I’m a mum-of-three and will never send my kids to school – I teach them at home but I don’t act like a teacher

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A MUM has revealed her parenting techniques – and one of them is not letting her three children go to school.

She claims that the “school system is broken” and would rather have her children at home.

Hannah doesn’t believe in the schooling systemCredit: Tiktok/@hannahhomeeducates

Hannah, who goes by the name of Hannah Home Educates on TikTok, has revealed that her children, aged eight, 10, and 12, have never even gone to preschool either. 

Hannah regularly shares videos of her “gentle parenting” to her 229k TikTok followers. 

In one video, she captioned it: “I am extremely lucky and extremely privileged to be able to do this and I try to use that to help other people do it too – being single, or poor, or disabled doesn’t automatically exclude you from being able to do this so do research it if it feels right for you.”

Speaking to the camera from her car, she says: “People ask me why my kids don’t go to school. 

“Some of the reasons at the beginning that were personal were things like I wanted them to have a good relationship with their dad.

“And at the time when Esme was going to go into nursery school, he was working shifts and she would have never seen him. 

“We wanted to prioritise that family relationship and so it didn’t make sense for her to be out when he was at home and at home when he was out.

“Another thing was there just wasn’t a need for it, I think so many people feel pressure to send their kids to preschool or nursery because of socialisation which is a complete farce.

“They feel like they have to do it, like it’s a right of passage and there was no need. 

“I was able to work from home and she just didn’t need to be somewhere else. 

“There are so many ways you can get your child really good socialisation without using day care.

“And honestly, although I know that so many caregivers provide really good quality childcare – and they do their absolute best. 

“I think that ratio of adults to children is not going to be as good as one parent to their own child. 

“In terms of school or home education, there are different reasons for that.

“I used to work in a people referral unit and it has a very different, very respectful approach and it was very different to most traditional schools.

“I don’t use punishment with my kids, I never have and I didn’t want her to go into an environment where that was the norm. 

“And I know although a lot of teachers don’t like using those things, I think that the state of the system and what they force teachers to do means that there aren’t really a lot of the time, any other ways of trying to get the kids to comply. 

“That wasn’t an environment that I wanted her to be in. I wanted her to be respected and treated like an autonomous being.”

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