Troy Scofield
This is a failure by the U.S. Soccer Federation to understand the international landscape. Bill Plaschke is partially right but, it’s more complicated than Latina involvement. Tactics are as much an issue. Also not recognizing that World Cup tournament play is a young person’s game. Just look at the ages of the emerging stars, all under 25, and a couple 18- and 19-year-olds. The Brazilian men’s team rarely has players compete in more than one World Cup cycle, and they have won as many as any nation.
We can’t outrun the competition anymore, and that’s evident from the outcomes. What’s ironic is our men’s team has embraced the tactics the women need to follow. From my experience, I don’t believe that they believe the women can handle it, or maybe it’s the choices they make.
Robert Looyen
West L.A. College coach
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