Tue. Sep 17th, 2024
Occasional Digest - a story for you

Independent Sydney MP Alex Greenwich received hate mail, repeated jibes, homophobic comments and threatening phone calls and messages from members of the public after a graphic tweet by Mark Latham, he alleges in court documents.

Mr Greenwich is suing the NSW One Nation leader for defamation in the Federal Court over a tweet posted in late March.

Mr Latham is not yet due to file any response in the case.

Mr Latham was replying to comments from Mr Greenwich in an article about LGBTQ protesters being targeted outside St Michael’s Church, in Sydney’s west, where Mr Latham was speaking to a candidates forum.

Mr Greenwich’s comments included a reference to Mr Latham being a “disgusting human being”.

The reply, which said “Disgusting…” before going on to describe sexual activity in explicit terms the ABC has chosen not to publish, was deleted about four hours later, but not before it was retweeted and seen by at least 6,171 people on Twitter, according to Mr Greenwich’s statement of claim.

That document, released by the Federal Court, sets out defamatory imputations — or meanings — Mr Greenwich claims were conveyed by the tweet.

They include that he “engages in disgusting sexual activities” and “is not a fit and proper person to be a member of the NSW parliament because he engages in disgusting sexual activities”.

Mark Latham followed up his inflammatory tweet with a post that read, “Never apologise, never explain”. ()

In a newspaper article published days later, Mr Latham was quoted as saying: “Greenwich goes into schools talking to kids about being gay. I didn’t want to be accused of anything similar, leaving that kind of content on my socials.”

In the court documents, Mr Greenwich says those comments portrayed him as “a disgusting human being who goes to schools to groom children to become homosexual”.

He said it also conveyed the meaning he is ‘not a fit and proper person to be a member of the NSW parliament because he goes to schools to groom children to become homosexual”.

He claims the tweets and subsequent published comments have caused serious harm by exposing him to hatred, contempt and ridicule, as well as gravely injuring his personal and professional reputation.

The harm included hateful comments from the public, including on social media, and homophobic comments through emails, letters and voicemails to his electoral office.

Some of the messages and calls are detailed in the statement of claim, which include repeated offensive slurs and threats of violence.

Court case pushed back

The matter was due in court for the first time on Friday, however, it has been moved to September.

The One Nation politician has previously said it will be defended.

The day after the initial tweet, he posted: “Never apologise, never explain.” 

In the court documents, Mr Greenwich’s lawyers argue Mr Latham’s conduct in posting the tweet and subsequent comments “constitutes a concerted attack campaign against Mr Greenwich”, further exposing him to hatred, contempt and ridicule.

He is seeking damages, including aggravated damages, costs, plus an injunction permanently restraining Mr Latham from further publishing the material or similar material.

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