Fri. Sep 20th, 2024
Occasional Digest - a story for you

IT’S the perfect time to venture into your garden and enjoy the sunshine.

The warm weather also means it’s the ideal time to plant certain plants, vegetables and fruits.

There are plenty of things to plant this month1

There are plenty of things to plant this monthCredit: Getty

That’s why Sean Lade, a gardening expert and director of Easy Garden Irrigation, has revealed some of the best things to plant right now.

Speaking to he recommended a different options for gardeners, so there’s something to fit everyone’s outdoor space.

Spring onions

A great choice if you want to grow something that’s low-maintenance, spring onions need very little attention so are perfect for any gardening novices.

Pop the seeds in soil in a sunny spot in your garden and water them regularly and they’ll sprout in no time.

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Once they’re around six inches tall you can harvest them and enjoy them sliced in a salad or as a garnish.


Although Pumpkins should be grown inside when the weather is cold, you can bring begin planting them outside from June onwards.

Remember to leave plenty of space between each plant, around one metre should do the trick, the gardening guru said.


It’s best to sow radish every two weeks and harvest throughout the summer months.

“Keep the soil nice and moist to enrich roots and pick as and when you require them.

“Make sure the leaves are nice and big to ensure a ready radish,” Sean suggested.

Pak Choi

It’s the perfect time to sow Pak Choi for a healthy harvest, the gardening whizz said.

Sean said: “Thinning out the seeds will help your crop flourish, and the pak choi removed can be added to salads to avoid waste.

“To prevent bolting, water regularly; this will ensure a full flavour.”

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