Thu. Oct 3rd, 2024
Occasional Digest - a story for you

In about the next 500 days, some 3 billion people of the world will engage in the most critical national elections, where the outcome will result in major socio-political federal adjustments while creating geo-political percussions across the newly emerging world. Tested will be democracies, destroyed will be economies but awakened will be Humankind. Citizenry must achieve better credibility in elections.

There are essential hot spots to observe the USA, EU, India, Indonesia, South Africa, Iran, Bangladesh, Taiwan, North Korea, South Korea, Mexico, Austria, Syria, and dozens more.

The global political landscapes, already littered with failures, speak volumes, with no further proof required as visible damage on their tactical battlefields only shows cracks on Humankind. Challenged are the election narratives and deployment strategies. Nevertheless, increasingly, the might of global public opinion, now a new phenomenon directly influencing national public opinion, will play the most critical role against the digital tempering of the hyper-cyber long, dragged-out electronic polling will only bring turns, twists, and wide-open conflicts. A silent global voice, although still undecipherable at local political rotundas, calling out commonalities of the current global problems on socio-econo-justice will increasingly echo as we go forward. 

Who will win, and who will lose in 2024?

Understanding the winning strategies: Incumbents can always hand over the keys because winning is no longer the proven art from the old school; instead, it is a brand-new science. Traditional theatrics of creating invisible monsters are now real-time do-or-die hunger games under collapsing economies. Digitization savvy moves of creating dog-whistle hate-centric social media now morphed into a globally shaken social media stirred force of opinion making globally diverse responses. Fooling all the people all the time is now primarily found in comic books. This time it is all about measuring if ‘it is the economy! Stupid’ or it is how bright are the economic development teams? Henceforth, winning elections is now hidden in conquering the economic failures and creating dignity for the openly visible damage to national citizenry across most of the nations of the free world.

Understanding the global mood: Gone are the days when national public opinion drove national politics; it is no longer, as it is now, the ‘global- public-opinion,’ like an umbrella; that opens and shuts with or without rain or sunshine but follows global winds of social justice and fairness. Unless there is proven mastery of national and ‘global public opinion,’ nations already intoxicated on their ‘happiness index’ are cheerfully convinced of their popularity of national public opinion but still in denial of why the global public opinion about them is still just the opposite. The commonality of national problems is now creating a new international union of the restless citizenry in response. A new world of many billion voices in synch interconnected on humankind issues will make enough powerful tsunamis to sway the national opinions of far too many nations. Discover the common global problems now driving the specific national public opinion.

Understanding the future of work: The absence of futuristic literacy so critically needed to read the coming future now has workforces across the free world are already in a drifting vortex; downtown office towers are losing their power of extreme luxury, remote working in control of productivity and full national employment only a misplaced notion on national economic agenda. The time has come for the global economic intelligentsia to debate the fundamental differences between the two; the ‘physicality of work’ and the ‘mentality of performance.’ Study the first industrial revolution of the mind and decide why national strategies on economic survival brought them to dust; demanding Economic Exorcism carried out by Wokeism is not the answer.

Understanding modern education: The decades-long absence of relearning due to University business education and YouTube has failed the citizenry, stealing their powers to stand up to the global age of competitiveness and now creating a lost generation across the free world. Only grassroots prosperity can fight populism; only full stomachs allow the mind to think of climate change issues. Something went wrong, and we do not require a long-awaited 4th Industrial Revolution but rather the First Industrial Revolution of Mind. The mind is hardwired like the universe; its thinking span is wide-open and limitless. Entrepreneurialism proves daily that the founder’s vision and boundaries of mind always allow the organization to achieve its maximum limits. Economic growth is an entrepreneurial challenge and not a number-crunching exercise.

Understanding new economic thinking: No, this is not an academic study but an entrepreneurial response to grand economic failures by most nations on up-skilling SMEs and re-skilling manufacturers at national digitized levels. This is not an Oscar-slap, but a narrative about new entrepreneurial thinking, henceforth very offensive to non-entrepreneurial mindsets; naivety accepted, but tactical reasoning and debate openly challenged. Nevertheless, failing to understand the ‘mindset hypothesis,’ the difference between the job seeker and job creator mindsets is the first step to getting eliminated from any serious dialogue on the subject of SME economic recovery. Failing to articulate the ‘national mobilization of entrepreneurialism’ is the second step to getting eliminated from any economic development activity as a whole. Ignoring the rise of the economic power of small and medium businesses worldwide is a grave mistake. More on Google

Understanding Election Nights: Ticker-tape celebration nights followed by riots-geared demonstration days, nationwide contested elections, openly rejected by the losing citizenry. Thumbprints, marking a cross with an ID, and one single-day election backed by national quality controls are now replaced by electronic wizardry, data manipulation, and mechanical breakdowns, so the process lingers for weeks and months and a credible future of elections instead an invitation to anarchy.

Understanding defeat, trained warriors succeed or fall, accept victory or defeat. At the same time, Machiavellians ride on the doctrine of ‘faking till you make it,’ only creating the illusion of success to linger long after the defeat. This time ignoring globally connected citizenry on such matters will create far too stronger tsunamis of the restless populace.

Understanding Economic Competency: There are only three hot national topics across the free world; Economy, economy, and economy when nations are responsible for Inflation, Recession, and Depression, and who in the country is credible enough to set up recovery deployments? Understanding new entrepreneurial thinking and options for governments:

Starting powerful economic revolutions in slow motion

The National Mobilization of SME Entrepreneurialism: Step by step, qualification criteria: The Qualification Criteria: Are 10K or 1000K SMEs within a nation qualified for up-skilling for exportability? Are vertical sectors ready for the mobilization of entrepreneurialism on digital platforms? Are chambers and associations skilled enough in such SME uplifts and exportability? Are there cooperative efforts to uplift women entrepreneurs on the national stage? Are the frontline economic development teams up-skilled enough for such programs?

Some nations are already ahead: Most countries have enough innovations but need more commercialization. Most are overqualified in their crafts but need the image and the right business direction. Most incubators need help and eventually become exhausted, like real estate projects. Most economic development programs are paper-flow issues without entrepreneurial touch.

Global age wings of the new economy: Fact: The world can easily absorb unlimited exportable ideas in endless vertical markets. Fact: Well-designed innovative ideas succeed in such additional quadrupled exports. Fact: A nation’s entrepreneurial and dormant talents can perform such tasks. Fact: The new global age skills, knowledge, and execution are now the missing links

The open challenges: Can nations articulate the planning methodology of any sizeable national mobilization of SMEs entrepreneurialism? Can countries present any qualified frontline teams with enough SME creation experiences and proven entrepreneurialism to decipher those as mentioned above? Can nations claim a national agenda designed and delivered to recognize and identify 25% to 50% of their small and medium enterprises and place them on some digital platform for increased global exposure and inactive global trading? Can nations have a system to uplift their SME sectors with courage and skills to face the global age of competitiveness? Can countries recognize such deficiencies and be ready to up-skill their frontline teams to correctly aim and design national agenda?

The Rules of engagements: Such programs are often not necessarily new funding dependent, primarily mobilization-hungry and execution-starved. They are designed as national-scale maneuvers to uplift the nation’s morale, once mandated as a customized national agenda to mobilize national talents of entrepreneurialism as a hidden treasure.

The deliverable: Once the digitization has been balanced, start with 25% to 50% high potential SME groups, plus engage key local trade groups, chambers, and trade associations, all under a clear, bold message under one national umbrella to drive the SME economy. Nevertheless, relentless in pursuit and authoritative in contents, Expothon Worldwide is tabling an extraordinary and aggressive agenda and starting a high-level global virtual events series on the digitization to the national mobilization of 25% to 50% of the small and medium business economic sector and the virtualization of the national economies to boost vertical sectors to quadruple exportability and uplift grassroots prosperity.

Understanding new entrepreneurial options for governments: Allow SMEs a tax-free window on the first few million revenues in exports, allow them to create jobs, and bring foreign exchange. Allow micro-small-medium enterprises free access to all dormant Intellectual Property. Allow academic Experts and Scientists on innovative technologies and related skills on free voucher programs. Allow SMEs enterprises free full-time MBA as 12 months interns so graduates can acquire entrepreneurialism. Allow Million plus qualified entrepreneurs to land within a nation for 5-10 years under a tax-free visa program. Allow the National Administration of Mobilization of Entrepreneurialism mandated to engage trade and export bodies.

Facing the music: Understanding The 4B Factor: when a billion workers were displaced due to the pandemic, a billion were replaced due to technology, a billion were misplaced in the wrong jobs, and now a billion are on starvation watch. Furthermore, this 4 billion digitally connected mass of people is now the most prominent force of global opinion in the history of time. Notice nations are already intoxicated with joy over the popularity of their national public opinion while having just an opposite ‘global public opinion’ on the world stage.

Every revolution is complete but with the full and equal participatory role of women. Therefore, observe and optimize the hidden talents and energize the innovative and entrepreneurial women as the two wheels of the same economic cart. If the future is essential, the role of entrepreneurial women is the second added engine to drive forward; therefore, study wisely.

Why is SME economic revolution so badly needed? At no other time in the history of civilization, so many globally connected will hold responsible the so few in power for destroying the remains of world order and bringing the world to a nuclear war. So it is time to create new landscapes of national mobilization of small and medium enterprises and stabilize raw entrepreneurialism as the savior of economies.

Understanding the global-age landscapes:

Cold Facts and Warm Realities: Entrepreneurial thinking, as success at times, is failure management; failure is often a lost battle, but not a war lost, as ultimate success is not necessarily winning the war; success is far more about understanding the battlefield, as the real victory is hidden outside the war.

A universal test of human smartness: Why not ask two basic questions? Firstly, how rapidly are the citizens of the world getting smarter? Secondly, how fast do the free world bureaucracies keep sinking their economic mandates? So, whatever may be the answer, ‘Who is fooling who’ and what is the cost of a half-baked war, and what is the price of fully baked bread?

Let us deflect this line of the query: Why is national political leadership so permanently convinced that their voters, fully immersed in anti-social-media-hate-academies, are already too dumb and dumber ‘enough’ to keep them in power in perpetuity?

 Old traditional Elections of the once single-thumb impression days with voter identity are now more like live video game manipulations. Hence, what percentage truly believes in modernized video game election results worldwide? Hungry stomachs vote smartly; Inflation, Recessions, and Depression are not fancy terms to get a doctorate rater; they are symptoms of economic failures in search of justice and intellectual skills to avoid them.

Nevertheless, then there are already Antoinette types, slipping and sliding amongst the available political punditry, crowding any national rotunda of powers of the free world, and still claiming that hyperinflationary, sky-high costs of bread should never stop the citizenry from eating the cakes. So should we now raise questions about the butter? We will deal with the Guillotines later.

 The reality test: The five-stage economic, behavioral study of the last 100 years on lifestyle growth and advancements will show how every two decades, the knowledge base of citizenry distinctively advanced for the better. For many chronic reasons, such studies are already outside the realm of overly protected academia. Furthermore, this subject is about something else other than the quantification of smartness, like IQ tests, that guides to another chimpanzee game show for another time.

A new world is emerging quickly but quietly; lookout at futuristic literacy if you wish to read the future; the rest is easy.

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