Wed. Sep 18th, 2024
Occasional Digest - a story for you

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has linked the production of lithium in China to slave labour and denounced the rise of authoritarianism around the world, calling on democracies to live up to their ideals through trade and foreign policy.

“If we don’t step up, other forces will step in,” Mr Trudeau told the Council on Foreign Relations in New York on Friday.

“As like-minded democracies, as major economies, we need to work together to meet this moment.”

He condemned China as he discussed his own country’s efforts to ramp up production of lithium, which is used in electric vehicle and other batteries.

He said Canada had significant sources of lithium, but China had made strategic choices over decades that had made it by far the world’s largest producer.

“If we’re honest … the lithium produced in Canada is going to be more expensive because we don’t use slave labour,” Mr Trudeau said.

“Because we put forward environmental responsibility as something we actually expect to be abided by. Because we count on working with, in partnership, with Indigenous peoples, paying their living wages, expecting security and safety standards.”

A representative for the Chinese embassy in Ottawa did not respond to a request for comment.

Canada last year announced a tougher policy on critical mineral investment — particularly from China — as it worked to shore up its domestic supply after the global pandemic exposed supply chain problems.

“If the pandemic taught us anything, it’s resilience, redundancy and reliability in our supply chains,” Mr Trudeau said.

Accusations of forced labour in Xinjiang

The United States has accused China of using forced labour in sectors including mining and construction.

Last year, a US law took effect banning imports from China’s Xinjiang region over concerns about forced labour.

In December, the United Auto Workers union called on automakers to shift their entire supply chain out of Xinjiang after a report by Britain’s Sheffield Hallam University suggested that nearly every major automaker had significant exposure to products made with forced labour.

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