Mon. Sep 30th, 2024
Occasional Digest - a story for you

Palestinian Health Ministry says a 16-year-old was shot in the chest and killed in a clash near the town of Bethlehem.

Israeli forces have killed a Palestinian teenager during clashes in the occupied West Bank, according to Palestinian officials.

Palestinian media said the shooting on Friday came during confrontations between Israeli forces and Palestinians in a village near the town of Bethlehem.

Palestinian witnesses told the Reuters news agency that a group of young Palestinians near Bethlehem were throwing rocks at Israeli troops, who responded with tear gas and gunfire.

The Palestinian Health Ministry named the victim as 16-year-old Mustafa Sabah. He was reportedly shot in the chest.

The Israeli military said it was checking the report.

Earlier, Israel’s military said it had arrested a suspected fighter and confiscated weapons in a raid in the city of Jenin that led to clashes with Palestinian fighters.

Israeli forces said they shot at suspects who hurled explosive devices at them. Palestine TV said the soldiers wounded two people, including a 14-year-old boy. It said the forces blocked the movement of ambulances and conducted arrests before withdrawing.

Dozens killed

Violence in the occupied West Bank has surged this year, with frequent Israeli military raids and attacks by Israeli settlers, as well as Palestinian attacks. More than 90 Palestinians and at least 19 Israelis and foreigners have been killed since January.

Israel captured the West Bank, along with East Jerusalem, in the 1967 Middle East war. It has since built large settlements there that are considered illegal by the international community.

Earlier on Friday, the army raided the Jenin refugee camp in the West Bank and arrested several Palestinians suspected of involvement in attacks against Israelis, the military said.

Palestinian media reported that two youths were wounded in ensuing clashes with the military.

On Thursday, Israeli forces also shot a Palestinian man in the occupied West Bank.

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