Thu. Oct 3rd, 2024
Occasional Digest - a story for you

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A sansanin Wuro-Ahi da ke garin Fufore a jihar Adamawa a arewa maso yammacin Najeriya, an rufe wani asibitin da ke kula da ‘yan gudun hijira.

An rasa rayukan yara, ciki har da ‘yar Safiratu.

Mai gabatarwa: Rukayya Saeed

Marubuciya: Zubaida Baba Ibrahim

Muryoyin shiri: Khadija Gidado

Fassara: Rukayya Saeed   

Edita: Aliyu Dahiru 

Furodusa: Khadija Gidado

Babban Furodusa: Anthony Asemota

Babban Mashiryi: Ahmad Salkida

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