Thu. Sep 19th, 2024
Occasional Digest - a story for you

I know that no LGBTQ+ person, including me, deserves to be discriminated against. I know that it is normal to not want this, and to be sad and angry about all the terrible, homophobic things people have said. I did not feel guilty about that. 

However, I did find myself feeling guilty that some LGBTQ+ people would never be in a straight-passing relationship. I started to think that I had it “easy”, because they would never have the safety blanket I have been comfortably using for over a year now. 

I struggled for months, thinking of all the LGBTQ+ people I love, my friends and strangers, that do not deserve this discrimination, and my heart kept breaking at the thought of them having to feel the pain I have felt. 

After months of questioning myself, I heard about Just Like Us, the LGBTQ+ young people’s charity, and decided to volunteer on their ambassador programme. Having the opportunity to discuss current LGBTQ+ issues, hearing other people’s stories and feeling like I was making a difference, gave me a new perspective on my dilemma and I came to some realisations. 

No one is “privileged” because they face less homophobia in their day-to-day. Not being discriminated against is a human right. I began to reframe my particular situation as something which meant I was more able to advocate for the rest of my LGBTQ+ peers, which is a powerful thing. 

Research from Just Like Us has shown that bisexual young people often disproportionately struggle with their mental health, with more than half saying they feel lonely on a daily basis. We all experience being LGBTQ+ differently, but unfortunately, a common experience is that most of us will be subjected to discrimination in one way or another at some point in our lives. 

Now, through acknowledging my own suffering, embracing my place in our diverse community (whatever the gender of my partner) and continuing to be a good ally to all my LGBTQ+ peers, I know I will never feel guilty again. 

Raquel is an ambassador for Just Like Us, the LGBT+ young people’s charity. If you’re LGBT+, age 18-25 and living in the UK, you can volunteer for the Ambassador Programme here.

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