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Life is passing me by – I wonder if I’ll ever find someone to share my life with

Occasional Digest - a story for you

DEAR DEIDRE: AT 38, am I too old to find a special person to share my life with?

I’m terrified of hitting 40 without achieving any of my life goals.

I wanted to be married by now, be a mum to a couple of children and have good friends to rely on.

I’ve achieved none of it. I still live at home and care for my mother, who is in poor health.

I have a good job a medical representative and can afford nice holidays and buy the occasional designer handbag, but the thrill is short-lived.

These are material things and temporary.

There’s nobody special to enjoy life’s pleasures with.

I don’t even have a good girl crowd.

Is that it for me?

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DEIDRE SAYS:  No, not at all.

There are many people like you who just haven’t found that special person yet.

Take the pressure off yourself by looking for friendships rather than partner material.

New friends will ease your loneliness but may ultimately lead to a relationship.

Check out, which shows events and clubs in your area.

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