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I think I might cheat if my partner keeps making excuses not to have sex with me

Occasional Digest - a story for you

DEAR DEIDRE: IF my boyfriend doesn’t give me sex soon, I know I’ll cheat.

We are both 31 and we’ve been together for two years. He’s not into sex at all, but I am craving intimacy.

We’ve done it a number of times but, in the past year, months go by and he just makes up excuses.

We jump into bed and he says, “Best go to sleep. Got to be up at six”, then he turns over and that’s it.

When I’ve mentioned our lack of sex, he’ll say, “Sorry love. Has it been that long?”.

Then we do it once, and then there’s another sex abstinence until the next time I moan.

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I know I overthink things but I’m wondering whether he just doesn’t fancy me any more.

DEIDRE SAYS:  If he is stressed with work, has financial worries or lives with depression, these can sap his libido and he should talk with his GP.

Find time to talk to him when you’re not on your way to bed, and tell him you want intimacy more often than once in a blue moon.

Suggest that, if night-time sex is too much for him, you make time for one another at weekends or early in the morning.

My support pack Reviving A Man’s Sex Drive gives tips on how to bring back his mojo.

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