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Newport victim Eve Smith’s family heartbroken as she dies with pals in car crash – 8 years after sister killed in smash

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THE family left heartbroken after their daughter, 21, was found dead in a crashed car overnight were devastated by another tragic loss just eight years ago.

Eve Smith was found dead with two pals – the second tragedy to hit the family after Xana Doyle was killed in a smash in 2018.

Eve Smith has died with two others in a Newport car crashCredit: Athena
Xana doyle, Eve’s sister died eight years agoCredit: Facebook


Police vehicles close off the A48 between Cardiff and Newport after the car of five missing people was found last nightCredit: Huw Evans


Eve’s family and friends have been left heartbrokenCredit: WNS


Cops today discovered three bodies after Eve, 21, Darcy Ross, 21, Sophie Russon, 20, along with Rafel Jeanne-Actie and Shane Loughlin vanished

The group had not been seen since enjoying a night out at the Muffler nightclub in Newport, Wales.

And after a desperate search, Gwent Police this morning confirmed a car had been found, with three of the five occupants tragically killed.

Eve’s family today confirmed that Eve was one of the three found dead.

The tragedy comes eight years after her sister Xana also died in a car crash.

She had been getting a lift home from Sakhawat Ali, then 23, who was high on cocaine and cannabis and twice the drink-drive limit.

His cousin Shabaz Ali, then 21, was also on drugs – and grabbed the car’s handbrake “as a joke”.

Friends have this morning been paying tribute to the “bubbly and beautiful” Eve who has been “reunited” with her sister.

One pal wrote: “Fly high with your sister, both reunited, prayers are with your family’s especially your mum.”

Another said: “Eve Smith, you were truly a beautiful young girl.

“Your heart was made of gold just like your sisters. Give her a big hug for me and hold each other tight until the day we all have our turn and reunite.

“You will both forever be remembered & loved.”

A third added: “Gutted and shocked to wake up to the news that Eve Smith and two others have passed away.

“Such a kind hearted strong women, it don’t seem real, such a young age. So, so, so sad. Taken way too soon. RIP Eve.”

Two more of the friends are currently in hospital.

Police have not confirmed the identities of those killed in the crash.

Gwent Police said: “Three of those who were reported missing have been found deceased, two have been taken to hospital with serious injuries.”

Pals had previously said the friends had last been seen at the nightclub Muffler in Maesglas on Friday night. 

The VW Tiguan was recovered just after midnight on Monday March 6.

It comes as it’s been revealed that Darcy had posted photos of her and Rafel partying that night.

The pic shows the pair smiling, with Rafel’s arm around Darcy.

It’s thought she posted the photo to her Snapchat story on the night they went missing.

Meanwhile haunting CCTV has shown the white car the group had been travelling in before it was involved in a road traffic collision and came off the A48.

The snaps, shared by the young people’s families during the search, show the white car carrying the friends.

Specialist officers are supporting the families of those involved and enquiries are ongoing.

Anyone with any information is asked to call police on 101, or send a direct message on social media, quoting 2300071791.

The case has been referred to the IOPC in line with normal procedures.


Sophie Russon is the second of the missing womenCredit: Facebook


She and Eve were last seen with Darcy Ross (pictured) at a nightclub in Newport, WalesCredit: Facebook


Rafel Jeanne-Actie was also reported missingCredit: WNS


Shane Loughlin is one of two men who was reported missing along with the womenCredit: Media Wales

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