Tue. Sep 17th, 2024
Occasional Digest - a story for you

A former NSW Police Force superintendent has successfully appealed a jail term for giving false evidence to the state’s police watchdog.

Michael James Rowan was last year sentenced to a minimum of six months jail for two counts of giving false or misleading evidence.

The charges related to a Law Enforcement Conduct Commission (LECC) investigation that centred around Rowan’s relationship with three female officers.

Rowan was the former Griffith local area commander between 2008 and 2018, and helped oversee the 2015 murder investigation into Leeton High School teacher Stephanie Scott.

During an appeal hearing in the Sydney District Court today, Judge Craig Smith described the offending as serious, compounded by Rowan’s rank.

“It is of particular concern that the appellant was a senior officer, [in a] leadership position and a role model.”

Judge Smith described Rowan as a “dedicated police officer” who dealt with “sensitive cases with care and experience.”

‘Unlikely to ever offend again’

Rowan’s legal team had lodged an appeal as soon as the jail term was handed down in July 2022, at which point he was released on bail. 

His lawyers provided the court with a psychiatric report, which Judge Smith said was significant and not available when Rowan was sentenced last year.

Judge Smith said Rowan developed an adjustment disorder in 2017, and at the time of giving evidence at the LECC, was using alcohol excessively, and was anxious and depressed, which impacted on his decision-making capabilities.

The court heard that, after more than three decades working as a police officer, Rowan was medically retired from the force in 2019 and had trouble finding work.

Judge Smith said he was satisfied Rowan was genuinely remorseful.

“[It is] unlikely this man will ever offend again, with very good prospects of rehabilitation,” he said.

Judge Smith upheld Rowan’s conviction and sentenced him to an eight-month intensive corrections order as well as 100 hours of community service.

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