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Woman doing Dry January discovers she can make terrible life choices sober, too

Occasional Digest - a story for you

A WOMAN who has not drunk for more than three weeks has been alarmed to find she can still make f**king awful decisions without touching a drop. 

ESG expert Hannah, not her real name, expected that swearing off alcohol would benefit her health, her skin and her propensity to bugger up relationships, only to have had a disastrous sexual encounter as recently as Friday.  

She said: “I’m not someone who should drink. I text, I cry, I snog the barman. So my heroic abstinence heralded a new me.  

“No. Last weekend I lost my handbag, missed two trains and paid £60 for a taxi because I made it stop at KFC, then left my front door open and forgot to turn off the gas. Without a single unit.  

“Worryingly, my poor performance at work isn’t being hungover on a Wednesday. On nothing but a vitamin smoothie I forgot a client meeting and mass emailed an MC Hammer Brexit meme to 8,400 people.  

She added: “And turns out I sleep with my best mate’s new boyfriend on last week’s ski trip whether I’m pissed or not.” 

Oh yeh and I don’t even have gas WTF 

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