Sat. Oct 5th, 2024
Occasional Digest - a story for you

Deadly delay

IMAGINE the horror if in a year’s time ­Russia has conquered Ukraine through sheer force of numbers.

Imagine it has done so despite the heroism of President Zelensky’s people and all the arms supplied by the West.

Germany will rue the day that, through fear of Kremlin nukes, it dithered on supplying Leopard tanks which could have tilted the war for Ukraine3

Germany will rue the day that, through fear of Kremlin nukes, it dithered on supplying Leopard tanks which could have tilted the war for UkraineCredit: AP

Imagine Putin, having murdered, raped and subjugated his once-independent neighbours, scoping out fresh targets.

Germany will rue the day that, through fear of Kremlin nukes, it dithered on supplying Leopard tanks which could have tilted the war for Ukraine.

The Russians have taken truly colossal losses and been held back. But there is little to stop them sitting tight now and bombarding Ukrainian cities to dust.

Ukraine needs 300 tanks to push them into full retreat. Britain and others are supplying some. Berlin not only won’t, it is barring others from sending their German-made Leopards.

Putin faces 'significant losses' as Russia is 'running out of ammunition'
Paranoid Putin deploys ring of steel defences in Moscow as he fears being toppled

Chancellor Scholz may not decide for a month — a lifetime to terrified families under shellfire. He and German voters worrying about theoretical reprisals should fear a more realistic prospect:

A major European nation enslaved by a genocidal dictator hungry for more.

Outing a beast

THE ordeal of one of David Carrick’s ­victims is sickening and heartbreaking. It makes the case, too, for suspects being named on arrest.

For years this woman suffered in silent terror of the predator cop, not knowing she was one of many.

The ordeal of one of David Carrick’s ­victims is sickening and heartbreaking3

The ordeal of one of David Carrick’s ­victims is sickening and heartbreaking

Only when he was arrested for rape and his identity revealed did she have the courage to speak up. So did others — and an overwhelming case was built.

The Sun opposes anonymity for suspects and this is why. Publicity emboldens more victims to come forward. Without it, some serial offenders might face just one accusation . . . and beat it.

The domestic abuse Carrick dished out was monstrous but all too frequent.

 So it seems madness for the Government to reject a £1million grant which could save victims’ lives.

The Women’s Aid campaign wants a new emergency fund enabling those trapped with abusive partners to leave. To them, a few hundred quid can make the difference between life and death.

And while that £1million total sounds a big sum, it’s a tiny fraction of a Whitehall budget in the billions.

The Home Office should rethink.

Crime wasters

WITH crime soaring we can only marvel at police rapidly investigating the Prime Minister for momentarily not wearing a seatbelt in the back of a car.

Yes, Rishi Sunak made a mistake as he filmed a video clip.

Hard-up families to get £250 free cash direct into bank accounts
I chopped off the end of my eyebrows - trolls say I look like Joan Rivers
Rishi Sunak without a seatbelt yesterday3

Rishi Sunak without a seatbelt yesterdayCredit: INSTAGRAM/UNPIXS

And the cops have made all the Tory-haters on Twitter happy by issuing him with a fine.

But would they be so enthusiastic about pursuing a burglar? Fat chance.

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