Thu. Sep 19th, 2024
Occasional Digest - a story for you

Sinkholes swallowed cars and floodwaters swamped towns and swept away a small boy as California was hit my wild weather, while the next in a powerful string of storms loomed on the horizon.

Millions of residents faced flood warnings, nearly 50,000 people were under evacuation orders, and more than 110,000 homes and businesses were without power because of heavy rains, lightning, hail and landslides.

At least 17 people have died from storms that began late last month, Governor Gavin Newsom said during a visit to the scenic town of Capitola on the Santa Cruz coast that was hard hit by high surf and flooding creek waters last week.

A large sink hole in the road with a car in it
Cars remain in a large sinkhole along Iverson Road in Chatsworth.(AP: David Crane/The Orange County Register)
A man in a door way with fallen gates in front of it
Richard Shaffer surveys his fallen fence in the Felton Grove neighbourhood after the San Lorenzo River overflowed in Felton.(AP: Nic Coury)
A man in a purple shirt shoveling mud
Matt O’Brien shovels mud from a friend’s driveway after the San Lorenzo River overflowed in the Felton Grove.(AP: Nic Coury)

The deaths included a truck driver and motorcyclist killed Tuesday morning when a tree fell on them on Highway 99 in the San Joaquin Valley near Visalia, the California Highway Patrol said.

“We’ve had less people die in the last two years of major wildfires in California than have died since New Year’s Day related to this weather,” Mr Newsom said.

“These conditions are serious and they’re deadly.”

The storm that began Monday dumped more than 450mm of rain in Southern California mountains and buried Sierra Nevada ski resorts in more than 1.5 metres of snow.

A woman up to her knees in flood water next to a car outside a house
Kim Ochoa leaves her Merced home, which is surrounded by floodwaters.(AP: Noah Berger)
A man in a grey jumper knee deep in flood water outside a house
Nick Enero wades through floodwaters while helping his brother salvage items from his Merced home. (AP: Noah Berger)
Houses up to the windows covered in flood water
Floodwaters surround homes on Thornton Rd in Merced as storms continue battering the state.(AP: Noah Berger)

Rock falls and landslides shut down roads, and sections of freeways were turned into waterways.

Swollen rivers swamped homes and residents of small communities inundated with water and mud were stranded.

“We’re all stuck out here,” said Brian Briggs, after the deluge unleashed mudslides in remote Matilija Canyon that buried one house completely and cut off the only road to nearby Ojai.

Mr Briggs described a scary night where the canyon creek began to flood people’s yards and the surrounding hills — stripped of vegetation in the 2017 Thomas Fire — began to tumble down in the dark.

A drone shot of a large sink hole with cars inside
In this image taken with a drone, a vehicle is stuck in a sinkhole in the Chatsworth section of Los Angeles.(AP: Jae C. Hong)
Two houses one with massive damage to the side the other with damage to the roof
Extensive wind damage to homes and businesses on Capitol Avenue in Sacramento.(AP: Xavier Mascareñas/The Sacramento Bee)

Mudflows dragged sheds, gazebos and outhouses into the creek, he said. After helping neighbours get to higher ground, he returned home to find his fence destroyed by waist-deep mud.

Weather break allows search

Raging waters crested the banks of Bear Creek and flooded parts of the city of Merced and neighbouring Planada, a small agricultural community along a highway leading to Yosemite National Park.

Neighbourhoods were under water with cars submerged up to their roofs.

A person walking through flooded water next to a small ute in front of houses
Brenda Ortega, 15, salvages items from her flooded Merced home.(AP: Noah Berger)
Numerous houses partly under water with a blue truck in the middle of flood water
Following days of rain, floodwaters surround homes and vehicles in the Planada community of Merced County, California.(AP: Noah Berger)

Residents ordered to evacuate carried whatever they could salvage on their backs as they left in the rain.

A break in the weather allowed searchers near San Miguel to look for Kyle Doan, the child who vanished after he and his mother were stranded in a truck in rising waters.

His mother was rescued, but Kyle was swept away, and a seven-hour search Monday turned up only one of his shoes.

“It’s still very dangerous out there,” said San Luis Obispo County sheriff’s spokesperson Tony Cipolla.

“The creeks are very fast flowing.

The wet and blustery weather left California’s large homeless population in a precarious situation.

At least two homeless people in Sacramento County died, and more than a dozen people were rescued from a homeless encampment on the Ventura River.

A man beside a car in flooded water carrying grocery bags
Jesus Torres carries belongings from his flooded Merced home.(AP: Noah Berger)
A woman leaving a flooded house with a christmas tree tipped over
Pauline Torres carries belongings from her flooded Merced home.(AP: Noah Berger)

Theo Harris, who has been living on the streets of San Francisco since getting out of jail in 2016, fortified his shelter with tarps and zip ties and took in his girlfriend after her tent flooded.

“The wind has been treacherous, but you just got to bundle up and make sure you stay dry,” Mr Harris said.

“Rain is part of life. It’s going to be sunny. It’s going to rain. I just got to strap my boots up and not give up.”

‘Weather whiplash’ to continue

The storms have created what Mr Newsom called a “weather whiplash,” swinging from an epic drought to the other extreme and arriving with a fury and frequency likely to create problems well into next week.

Two men cleaning up debris of trees with a fallen over tree in the background
Firefighters clear away a fallen tree in Montecito.(AP: Ringo H.W. Chiu)
Aerial view of a road covered in flood water
In an aerial view, a flooded area by the overflowing San Ysidro creek on Jameson Lane is seen near the closed Highway 101 in Montecito.(AP: Ringo H.W. Chiu)

While most of the state remains in extreme or severe drought, according to the US Drought Monitor, the state said the water content in the snow pack is more than double the average.

“It’s fair to say that what we’re seeing right now in California will certainly help to relieve some of the localised aspects of drought, but will not resolve the long-term drought challenges,” said Rick Spinrad, administrator of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.

The latest atmospheric river — a long plume of moisture stretching out into the Pacific that can drop staggering amounts of rain and snow — began easing in some areas but more rain was forecast to arrive in northern California, and then a longer storm system was predicted to last from Friday until January 17.

Birds eye view of a car stuck in mud and flood water on a road with a truck driving past
In an aerial view, A fire truck, left, passes by as a vehicle is trapped by mud and debris at Jameson Lane near Highway 101 in Montecito.(AP: Ringo H.W. Chiu)
A man in a flooded house standing next to a bookshelf
Howard Burman looks at mud that washed through his garage after the San Lorenzo River overflowed in the Felton Grove neighbourhood.(AP: Nic Coury)


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