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Susan Meachen announces she’s alive years after apparent suicide

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It can be tricky, deciding what to do with a person’s social media accounts after they’ve died. Managing a person’s digital afterlife is made doubly difficult when the deceased is a public figure, even a minor one, like a self-published author.

Romance author Susan Meachen’s daughter seemed to find the social media sweet spot after announcing her mother’s death by suicide on the author’s Facebook page in October 2020. Tributes poured in:

“Sending love and hugs to you all!”

“I miss her so much, as you all do. Thank you for letting her words be heard. Bless you all.”

“Good luck to you and your family, hun. I pray the best for you in the future and know your mom would be proud and thankful for what you’ve done. Nothing but blessings for the best sent your way.”

Since then, Meachen’s Facebook page has served as both shrine and repository of Meachen’s work, announcing sales and offering audiobook codes of the late author’s stories. 

The only problem? She never died. 

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Is Susan Meachen still alive?

It would seem so.

The drama began when Meachen, apparently alive, made a post in the private writer’s Facebook group The Ward announcing she was alive. On Tuesday, Twitter user @Draggerofliars shared a screenshot of the post in a tweet. Meachen’s post reads:

“I debated on how to do this a million times and still not sure if it’s right or not. There’s going to be tons of questions and a lot of people leaving the group I’d guess. But my family did what they thought was best for me and I can’t fault them for it. I almost died again at my own hand and they had to go through all that hell again. Returning to The Ward doesn’t mean much but I am in a good place now and I am hoping to write again. Let the fun begin.”

The romance community has since blown up over the news.

USA TODAY has reached out to Meachen via email and social media. 

Who is Susan Meachen and what does she write?

Meachen dubs herself an “Author of Perfectly Flawed Romances,” with independently published romance and erotic suspense titles including “Chance Encounter,” “Special Delivery” and “Losing Him & Finding You.”

“I’ve been an avid reader as far back as I can recall it was a lifeline to transport me from dark moments in life,” reads her Amazon author bio. “I’m a wife, mom, meme, and friend. I live in the Southeastern corner of Tennessee with my husband of 24 years with our two cats and our four snakes. If you don’t see me running around online then I’m normally off creating a world for others to enjoy.”

Her last book, “Love to Last a Lifetime,” a romance between a man born into wealth and prestige who falls for his best friend’s girlfriend, was published just after the announcement of her death in October 2020.

Susan’s Meachen’s Facebook page pretended she was dead for years

For nearly the past two years, Meachen’s Facebook page has been mostly dedicated to inspirational posts, giveaways and free audiobook codes for Meachen’s novels, with the posts allegedly written by her daughter. An October 2020 post reads: “Sorry thought everyone on this page knew my mom passed away. Dead people don’t post on social media I’ve been on this account for a week now finishing her last book my wedding gift from her.” 

The “wedding gift” in question is the author’s final book, “Love to Last a Lifetime.”

In November 2021, Meachen’s page created a fundraiser for the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention.

In February 2021, author Kristen Collins posted, “I missed it but Happy Heavenly Birthday. I know you’re dancing in Heaven with nothing but peace in your heart finally.”

Perhaps most controversially, the Facebook page crowd sourced for editorial work.

“Afternoon everyone! I and my family are looking for an editor,” reads a post from October 2020. “My mom had two in editing with someone and they are unable to edit the books. One book has been edited before it needs cleaning up and the other is a Novela she wrote for my wedding day. Any help would be great. Thank you for your time.”

What are people saying about Susan Meachen online?

“Susan Meachen faking her own suicide and then wandering blithely back online because she ‘got bored’ is so exquisitely insane,” tweeted author Gretchen Felker-Martin. “Romance writers really are operating on another plane of reality.”

“This Susan Meachen thing is so unbelievably disturbing and horrible,” tweeted user @bogwitchbooks. “What sane person fakes their own death for TWO YEARS and then randomly gets on Facebook one day and just is like hey guys I’m back!!”

“Gonna read susan meachen’s books now,” tweeted user @negaversace. “I’m not a romance person at all but I must experience the workings of this mind.”

If you or someone you know may be struggling with suicidal thoughts, you can call or text the U.S. National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 988 any time day or night, or chat online at

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