Wed. Jul 3rd, 2024
Occasional Digest - a story for you

It can be tricky, deciding what to do with a person’s social media accounts after they’ve died. Managing a person’s digital afterlife is made doubly difficult when the deceased is a public figure, even a minor one, like a self-published author.

Romance author Susan Meachen’s daughter seemed to find the social media sweet spot after announcing her mother’s death by suicide on the author’s Facebook page in October 2020. Tributes poured in:

“Sending love and hugs to you all!”

“I miss her so much, as you all do. Thank you for letting her words be heard. Bless you all.”

“Good luck to you and your family, hun. I pray the best for you in the future and know your mom would be proud and thankful for what you’ve done. Nothing but blessings for the best sent your way.”

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