Mon. Sep 16th, 2024
Occasional Digest - a story for you

Flying sea cucumbers, spiny sea urchins that glow, and giant crabs have been captured by specialised cameras in deep water off Australia’s coastline.

The two cameras have revealed previously unseen behaviours, including sea cucumbers — dubbed “headless chicken monsters” — appearing to fly.

The deep-towed camera system plunged nearly 4,000 metres into the waters of the Gascoyne Marine Park in Western Australia, while the baited remote underwater video system (DeepBRUVS) reached 1,000 metres.

DeepBruvs was designed by a Tasmanian engineering and technology team at the CSIRO.

The cameras have the ability to capture high-resolution video and photos of the sea floor.

The never-before-seen images will help support better marine research and management.

“We’ve had amazing footage of sea cucumbers launching themselves off the sea floor as though they are flying through the water in amazing colours and in beautiful focus,” CSIRO Chief Scientist Dr John Keesing said.

“You just can’t beat being able to see what they look like in their natural environment, alive and in good condition at those depths.”

A spiky sea urchin with blue stripes
A blue-striped sea urchin captured by DeepBRUV showed bright iridescence.(CSIRO: Frederique Olivier)
Thin glass-like straws on a yellow background
The giant glass spicules of the deep water glass sponge can grow over three metres in length.(CSIRO: Frederique Olivier)

By remotely deploying baits, DeepBRUVS attracts species to the lens that would ordinarily evade other scientific tools like nets.

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