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House adjourns as McCarthy loses sixth speaker vote

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WASHINGTON –The House of Representatives adjourned without a speaker until 8 p.m. ET on Wednesday as GOP leader Kevin McCarthy lost a sixth bid to become House speaker. 

The situation, which has dragged on since Tuesday, has left Congress paralyzed, since no member of the House of Representatives can be sworn in and no rules can be adopted until a speaker is chosen.

The House remained stuck after McCarthy was nominated, several times, for the top job in that chamber. He appears to have failed again to have secured that job.

On Tuesday, McCarthy was denied the 218 votes he needed by a cadre of Republican  hardliners in three separate ballots. It was the first time in a century that a speaker was not elected on the first round.

A group of up to 20 conservatives is determined to oppose McCarthy, and the end game remains unclear.. 

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Here are the latest developments

  • McCarthy nominated, again, and loses, again.  The action began around noon, with McCarthy nominated for a fourth, fifth and sixth time in two days. He lost all three ballots.
  • Biden calls the situation embarrassing. The fighting is “not a good look,” he told reporters at the White House. Ultimately, though, the GOP drama isn’t his problem, he said.
  • The plan. The plan is for members to vote again – and again – if necessary. But if there’s no resolution, the voting could last for days, weeks or even months.

Day One: House adjourns without a new speaker as McCarthy loses three rounds of voting: live updates

What now?:What happens after McCarthy loses speaker vote three times? Here’s how the process works.

House adjourns until 8 p.m.

Following three votes Wednesday afternoon that failed to produce a speaker, GOP Rep. Tom Cole of Oklahoma motioned to adjourn – but even that didn’t come without some pushback.

All Republicans voted yes in a voice vote. All Democrats voted no.

Former House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer called for a roll call vote, but leadership didn’t agree.

The clerk called the adjournment until 8 p.m., when the House will reconvene.

— Candy Woodall

Takeaways:McCarthy keeps losing, Biden mocks House GOP: Day 2 of the new Congress

A sixth ballot repeat: McCarthy stuck on 201 votes

Three votes on Wednesday, three identical results – and McCarthy is no closer to being speaker of the House.

McCarthy again claimed only 201 votes on the sixth ballot, just as he did on the two previous rounds Wednesday, according to the House clerk. McCarthy also fell short in three votes on Tuesday; he needs 218 to prevail, and it’s unclear how he can get there.

A group of 20 conservatives again voted for Byron Donalds on the sixth ballot, as they did on ballots four and five.

A former McCarthy supporter, Victoria Spartz, voted “present.”

Democratic leader Hakeem Jeffries remained the top vote getter, with the support of 212 Democratic colleagues.

The House then adjourned until 8 p.m.

– David Jackson

Day two of Congress:As Santos fiddles with his phone, investigators circle, speaker votes are cast

McCarthy appears to lose sixth House speaker vote

House GOP Leader Kevin McCarthy lost a sixth vote in his bid for speaker, putting an exclamation point on two long days that have not gone in his favor.

Rep. Kat Cammack of Florida described his sixth nomination as “Groundhog Day” and urged fellow Republicans to unite and get things done for the American people.

But an opposition group within his own party, largely led by conservative Reps. Matt Gaetz of Florida and Scott Perry of Pennsylvania, didn’t budge.

Without a speaker, the House remains paralyzed, without the ability to swear-in members, seat committees or move legislation.

–Candy Woodall

Elsewhere in government:Biden plans to visit the U.S.-Mexico border for the first time in his presidency

Perry, while nominating Donalds, credits Pelosi

While nominating Republican Rep. Byron Donalds a third time today for speaker, Rep. Scott Perry said it’s actually a Democrat who has done the most to build the current GOP majority: former Speaker Nancy Pelosi.

Donalds knows “Washington is broken” and will work to fix it, he said.

Perry is one of the ringleaders of a group of 20 conservative members opposing House GOP Leader Kevin McCarthy.

“We are making history in this process and showing the American people this process works,” Perry said. “Is it going to be hard? Is it going to be painful? Yes. That’s probably why it hasn’t happened in 100 years.”

–Candy Woodall

What’s happening in the House?:What happens after McCarthy loses speaker vote again? Here’s how the process works.

Jeffries nominated for the sixth time

With little movement so far on who will become speaker, Aguilar nominated Jeffries again for the sixth time.

“Democrats are united behind a speaker who will build safer communities,” said Aguilar, referring to Democratic priorities on gun control legislation. “A leader who has a track record in actually getting things done.” 

— Ken Tran

Previously:Hakeem Jeffries elected House Democratic leader, making history as first Black lawmaker to lead a major party in Congress

Taylor Greene: House speaker vote ’embarrassing’

As the House moved to a sixth ballot to determine who will win the speaker’s gavel, GOP Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene called her party’s inability to pick a speaker “embarrassing.”

“I hope it’s over soon because, to be honest with you, I find it embarrassing,” Greene told reporters on her way back to the House floor.

Greene also gave credit to Democrats for being able to work together, saying that she thinks the GOP “should find ways to work together.”

– Sarah Elbeshbishi

Cammack says it’s “Groundhog Day” as she nominates McCarthy

GOP Rep. Kat Cammack of Florida called it “Groundhog Day” as she nominated House Republican Leader Kevin McCarthy for speaker – his sixth nomination in two days. 

She said the American people don’t care about who’s going to be speaker; they care about getting results to problems, such as the ongoing opioid crisis and “open border.”

“They didn’t send us to be perpetual critics,” Cammack said. “They sent us to get things done.”

It’s time to unite and do the people’s business, she said.

— Candy Woodall

Quest for the gavel:Kevin McCarthy was once rejected for a House internship. Now he could become the next speaker

No change for McCarthy on the fifth ballot 

The fifth ballot went the same as the fourth, according to the official House tally: McCarthy again won 201 votes, well short of the 218 he needs to become speaker.

Again, 20 Republicans voted for a non-McCarthy alternative, Byron Donalds.

Again, former McCarthy supporter Victoria Spartz voted “present.”

And, again, Hakeem Jeffries racked up 212 votes from fellow Democrats.

On toward a sixth ballot.

– David Jackson

Could Jeffries win the speakership?  

Jeffries has consistently received 212 votes in each of the ballots—gaining the support of every Democrat in the House and surpassing the number of ballots for McCarthy. But it is highly unlikely that Jeffries would win the speakership. 

It would require a member, or multiple members, of the Republican party to reach across the aisle and cast a ballot in support of the opposite party.  

The last time a lawmaker voted for the opposite political party was in 2001. Democratic Rep. Jim Traficant from Ohio voted for the Republican speaker nominee. The Democratic party stripped him of all committee assignments in response. 

– Rachel Looker

Who is Hakeem Jeffries?:What to know about the Brooklyn Rep. nominated for Congress

Donalds: ‘I never came here to try to be speaker’

Florida Rep. Byron Donalds, who received 20 votes in the last ballot, said he expects the speaker to be elected today, but added that serving in the top leadership position was never his intention. He said he anticipates meeting with McCarthy later today. 

“I didn’t come to DC being interested in becoming speaker of the House,” he said, adding, however, that he understands the responsibility of making sure the Republican conference can govern. “I’m going to help do that in any way I can,” he said.  

“The time of leadership by acclamation, those days are over,” he said.  

— Rachel Looker

McCarthy appears to lose fifth vote

House GOP Leader Kevin McCarthy appears to have lost his bid for speaker a fifth consecutive time, continuing a string of stinging defeats and a tumultuous day in the lower chamber.

McCarthy lost three times Tuesday and twice so far Wednesday. There could be more votes this afternoon, as no member in either party has motioned to adjourn.

Before the fifth vote, multiple McCarthy allies worked to end the impasse with his 20 detractors, but the count proved out of their favor. 

— Candy Woodall

Who is McCarthy?:Kevin McCarthy was once rejected for a House internship. Now he could become the next speaker

Who voted present today on the fourth ballot?

On the fourth ballot for speaker, Indiana Republican Rep. Victoria Spartz opted to vote “present” after backing McCarthy in the previous three ballots, in another blow to McCarthy’s chances of securing the speakership.

“We have a constitutional duty to elect the speaker of the House, but we have to deliberate further as a Republican conference until we have enough votes and stop wasting everyone’s time.” Spartz said. “None of the Republican candidates have this number yet. That’s why I voted present after all votes were cast.”

No member from McCarthy’s opposition has yet to flip and vote for McCarthy as speaker. 

— Ken Tran

A new Congress with new priorities:What to know on investigations, the fate of Biden’s agenda and more

Trump has been calling GOP lawmakers to urge support for McCarthy, Boebert says

GOP Rep. Lauren Boebert in her nominating remarks shook off Trump’s endorsement of McCarthy.

“Let’s stop with the campaign smears and tactics to get people to turn against us,” said Boebert. “Even having my favorite president call us and tell us we need to knock this off, I think it actually needs to be reversed.”

“The president needs to tell Kevin McCarthy, ‘Sir you do not have the votes and it’s time to withdraw.’” said Boebert to cheers from McCarthy’s opposition.

— Ken Tran

Throwback:Lawmakers sound off on recorded call of Kevin McCarthy saying Trump should resign over Jan. 6

Boebert nominates Donalds

Rep. Lauren Boebert nominated Rep. Byron Donalds for House speaker, his second nomination of the day.

Along with House Democratic Leader Hakeem Jeffries’ nomination, it marks the first day two Black men have been nominated speaker.

Boebert said Donalds will uphold conservative principles and build consensus. He received 20 votes during his first nomination.

–Candy Woodall

Previously:‘High school drama’? MAGA lawmakers Greene and Boebert spar over Kevin McCarthy’s speaker bid

Aguilar nominates Jeffries for the fifth time

After the fourth ballot was officially tallied, the House went straight to a fifth ballot with Aguilar nominating Democratic Leader Hakeem Jeffries on the Democratic side again.

“Madam Clerk, the lead vote getter in the last four tallies, Democrats are united behind a speaker who will work to codify the right to seek an abortion into law,” said Aguilar, referencing a key Democratic priority to enshrine abortion rights into federal law.

In all of the last four ballots, Jeffries earned the complete support of his Democratic colleagues at 212 votes. 

— Ken Tran

Who is Hakeem Jeffries in Congress?:What to know about the Brooklyn Rep. set to replace Pelosi

Davidson gives McCarthy fifth nomination

Rep. Warren Davidson, an Ohio Republican who took former Speaker John Boehner’s seat, nominated Rep. Kevin McCarthy Wednesday immediately following the House GOP leader’s fourth loss for speaker.

Davidson pointed out that there may be some members who don’t trust McCarthy, but said there are about 200 members who don’t trust the leader’s 20 detractors.

After rattling off a list of concessions he said McCarthy has made to those voting against him, Davidson said, “Kevin McCarthy engaged in that negotiation. He led the Congress to adopt substantive reforms that will make our majority more effective.”

— Candy Woodall

Round four: Another loss for McCarthy

The fourth ballot, the first of Wednesday, went a little worse for McCarthy.

The struggling speaker candidate officially wound up with only 201 votes, fewer than the numbers he took on the three ballots on Tuesday, according to the House clerk. One of his previous supporters, Victoria Spartz of Indiana, voted “present” on Wednesday.

McCarthy needs 218 votes to win the speaker’s job, and he is moving a little farther away.

This despite a morning endorsement from Donald Trump and heavy lobbying from allies who say all this is making the Republicans look bad.

Despite the pressure, McCarthy opponents who supported Jim Jordan for speaker on Monday backed a new challenger on Tuesday, Rep. Byron Donalds of Florida. He received 20 votes, the same number Jordan got on Tuesday’s third ballot.

The stalemate again allowed Democratic leader Hakeem Jeffries to become the top vote getter with 212 Democrats, but without the majority needed to prevail.

– David Jackson

What’s happening in the House:Who are the Republicans balking at Kevin McCarthy as a House speaker?

McCarthy appears to lose fourth ballot

The outlook for Kevin McCarthy grew dimmer Wednesday afternoon when the House GOP leader appeared to have lost his bid for speaker a fourth consecutive time.

It was a crucial vote for McCarthy, who after losing three times yesterday worked to find a path forward today. He and his allies have tried to both sway his opponents and also persuade some of them to vote “present,” making it easier for him to win with a lower voting majority.

On Wednesday, it was evident McCarthy did little to advance when he did not pick up any votes. 

–Candy Woodall

Gallagher nominates McCarthy for speaker

Rep. Mike Gallagher. a Wisconsin Republican, nominated House GOP Leader Kevin McCarthy for speaker – his fourth nomination in two days.

“I wish we had a bigger majority,” Gallagher said, “but the American people gave us an opportunity.”

McCarthy is not asking for a vote to keep business as usual, Gallagher said. The leader wants to do the people’s business, he said.

Gaetz challenges McCarthy over office space 

It’s really gotten personal between aspiring House Speaker McCarthy and conservative critic Matt Gaetz.

Gaetz has asked the Architect of the Capitol to investigate McCarthy for moving stuff into the Speaker of the House’s suite of offices, even though he failed to actually win the job during three ballots on Tuesday.

“How long will he remain there before he is considered a squatter?” the Florida Republican said in a letter to the architect’s office.

Another McCarthy opponent, Rep. Andy Biggs of Arizona, re-tweeted Gaetz’s complaint and amplified the itinerant metaphor: “McCarthy is squatting in the Speaker’s office.”

For his part, McCarthy and his allies have criticized Gaetz for saying he would rather see Democrat Hakeem Jeffries win the speaker’s job than McCarthy.

Stay tuned for more news about McCarthy’s political future – and his office.

David Jackson

Mike Pence chimes in, urges House GOP to elect McCarthy as speaker

Former Vice President Mike Pence offered his perspective on McCarthy’s battle, urging House Republicans “to support my friend, Kevin McCarthy as the next speaker of the House.”

“@GOPLeader’s (McCarthy’s) leadership & vision led to the new Republican majority & I know Speaker McCarthy will lead the House to begin a great American comeback!” Pence tweeted. 

Ken Tran

Aguilar: ‘Crisis of the Congress’

Rep. Pete Aguilar of California, the House Democratic Caucus chair, reiterated support for Jeffries Wednesday morning and said he will be nominating Jeffries during the speaker votes this afternoon. All 212 Democrats voted for Jeffries Tuesday during the three ballots.

“This is a crisis of the congress,” Aguilar said of yesterday’s proceedings.

He added that Democrats have not had any outreach with their colleagues on the other side of the aisle.

California Rep. Ted Lieu said the speakership position has already weakened from the inability of the Republican caucus to unite and select a speaker, noting that Democrats are also at a standstill and can’t appoint members to committees.  

“They’ve already weakened that position,” Lieu said of the speakership, referencing McCarthy’s concessions including the motion to vacate.

Rachel Looker and Sarah Elbeshbishi

‘The rest of the world is looking’: Biden calls GOP House speaker fight ‘embarrassing’

President Joe Biden called Republicans’ fight over electing a new House speaker “embarrassing,” “not a good look” and “not my problem” as he sought to contrast the chaos in House with a focus on governing. 

“I hope they get their act together,” Biden told reporters Wednesday, adding that “the rest of the world is looking” and he is focused on “getting things done.”

Biden, speaking from the South Lawn of the White House, was en route to Kentucky. There he will appear with Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell and other officeholders of both parties to promote bipartanship by showcasing a major bridge project funded by federal infrastructure dollars.

Joey Garrison

Gaetz: Trump won’t change my mind about opposing McCarthy

Matt Gaetz, an outspoken supporter of Donald Trump, is saying Trump’s endorsement of McCarthy won’t shake his opposition to the latter’s candidacy for House speaker.

“Sad!” Gaetz said in a Wednesday statement to Fox News Digital. “This changes neither my view of McCarthy nor Trump nor my vote.”

In a Truth Social post hours earlier, Trump hit the all-caps button to say to Republican dissidents: “VOTE FOR KEVIN, CLOSE THE DEAL, TAKE THE VICTORY.”

Gaetz is especially close to Trump; he once endorsed Trump himself for the speaker’s job. If Trump can’t change his mind, it’s hard to see many of the 20 or so opponents of  McCarthy changing theirs.

David Jackson

What about George Santos?

As if the GOP didn’t have enough distractions.

Rep.-elect George Santos, of New York, has been embroiled in controversy after reports found he made up multiple parts of his biography during the 2022 midterm campaign.

The 34-year-old Republican, who is under investigation by New York prosecutors, admitted he lied about his educational achievements, his ancestry and his employment. He was in the chamber Tuesday for the speaker vote and is expected to be there Wednesday.

On the first three ballots, Santos voted for McCarthy. Like all other members of the House, he can take part in the vote for speaker though he won’t be sworn in until after one is chosen.

Trump calls for members to vote for McCarthy

In a new Truth Social post Wednesday morning, Former President Donald Trump called on Republican House members to support Kevin McCarthy.

“Vote for Kevin, close the deal, take the victory,” Trump said in all caps.

He urged Republicans: “Do not turn a great triumph into a giant & embarrassing defeat.”

Trump said it’s time to celebrate, seemingly referring to the GOP’s four-vote majority in the House.

“Kevin McCarthy will do a good job, and maybe even a great job – just watch!” he said in closing.

McCarthy’s most fervent opponents are some of Trump’s biggest supporters. It remains to be seen if they will be swayed by his endorsement Wednesday morning.

Candy Woodall

What to expect today

The House formally gavels in at noon, but both Republicans and Democrats will be meeting throughout the morning.

On the Republican side, Rep. Kevin McCarthy and his allies are working on two fronts: they are trying to negotiate with his detractors to sway their votes to his side and they’re also trying to get some members to vote “present” rather than for a named candidate. Voting present would ultimately help McCarthy boost his numbers and lower the threshold for which he needs to become speaker.

On the Democratic side, House Democratic Caucus Chair Pete Aguilar and Vice Chair Ted Lieu will hold a press conference at 10:45 a.m. after their closed caucus meeting that starts at 9 a.m. Look for Democrats to take questions on whether they will help Republicans by having some members absent from the chamber today, lowering the overall voting majority and number McCarthy would need to clinch the speakership.

Last night, House Democratic Leader Hakeem Jeffries said his caucus is focused on having a working partnership with Republicans to pass bipartisan legislation, but they’re not responsible for helping the GOP get organized.

Once the House gavels in at noon, members-elect could choose to vote again for speaker or adjourn again to allow for more negotiations.

Candy Woodall

What changed overnight?

Rep. Kevin McCarthy is shifting his strategy to become speaker of the House – or at least he’s shifting the way he’s talking about it.

When a confident, almost defiant, McCarthy spoke during and after a Republican conference meeting Tuesday morning, he had said he wasn’t making any more concessions to appease the most conservative flank of his party and that he had “earned” the speakership.

By Tuesday night at the Capitol, after he had lost three votes to become speaker, he said he wanted all views to be represented on House committees and that negotiations were ongoing between his more than 200 supporters and 20 detractors.

McCarthy also said he had a new path to the speakership. Rather than focusing on the 218 votes needed to win the speakership outright, he mentioned 11 votes last night he needs to flip. A lot of that strategy involves getting some of his 20 dissenters to vote “present” rather than for a named candidate, which would allow him to win the speakership with a lower majority of votes.

Candy Woodall

What could happen next?

Members will continue to vote — again and again potentially when they come back  at noon. The vote could last for days, weeks or months until a speaker candidate receives enough votes. This leaves the House paralyzed since no member can be sworn in, no rules can be adopted and no legislative business can be conducted until a speaker is chosen

McCarthy could drop out of the race for speaker, leaving an opening for another Republican to win the speakership. As of Tuesday afternoon, no McCarthy challengers have come close to gaining enough votes to win the speakership. During the three ballots, Ohio Rep. Jim Jordan, Arizona Rep. Andy Biggs, Indiana Rep. Jim Banks, former New York Rep. Lee Zeldin and New York Rep. Byron Donalds received votes.

As a last resort, lawmakers could adopt a resolution that would elect a speaker by a plurality or by rank-choice voting instead of a simple majority.   

– Rachel Looker

More:McCarthy denied, Santos in House: 5 takeaways from the tumultuous first day of a new Congress

More:What can Congress do about Rep.-elect George Santos, who lied ahead of winning his election?

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