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Rep. Suzan DelBene, D-Wa., chair of the New Democratic Coalition, was appointed Tuesday to lead the Democratic Party's congressional campaign arm. File Photo by Sarah Silbiger/UPI | <a href="/News_Photos/lp/6e546d05b0040b9983b07c0c4db44b24/" target="_blank">License Photo</a>
Rep. Suzan DelBene, D-Wa., chair of the New Democratic Coalition, was appointed Tuesday to lead the Democratic Party’s congressional campaign arm. File Photo by Sarah Silbiger/UPI | License Photo

Dec. 20 (UPI) — Incoming House minority leader Hakeem Jeffries on Tuesday appointed Rep. Suzan DelBene of Washington to lead the Democratic Party’s congressional campaign arm as they seek to regain control of the legislative branch in two years.

In a statement, Rep. Jeffries, D-N.Y., called DelBene “the right leader with the right experience and the right demeanor to meet this pivotal moment.”

“Suzan is a battle-tested, former Frontline member who brings to the [Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee] role a sharp political instinct, proven fundraising ability as well as serious management and operational experience inside and outside government,” Jeffries said.

Democrats were largely able to fend off an expected so-called Red Wave during November’s midterm elections and in the process gained control of the Senate, but lost key House seats that moved the chamber to the Republican Party 222 seats to 213.

Among the Democrats’ defeats was the loss of the New York House seat, occupied by outgoing DCCC chair Sean Patrick Maloney, to Republican Mike Lawler.

“As House Democrats look to build upon our historic results we delivered in the 2022 elections, we can rest assured that our party is in good hands under the leadership of President [Joe] Biden, incoming leader Hakeem Jeffries and newly nominated DCCC Chair Suzan DelBene,” Maloney said in a congratulatory statement.

The incoming House minority leader pointed to DelBene’s recent successes in reclaiming the House majority in 2018 as the DCCC finance co-chair, and then her ability to help maintain it in 2020 when she was the Frontline co-chair, as proof of her capabilities.

DelBene, a businesswoman who has been a House representative since November 2012, said it’s an honor to be selected to serve as the DCCC chair.

“I’m ready to work with our new leadership team and all corners of our caucus to win back the House majority,” she said. “Democrats are dedicated to showing Americans that governance can work, advancing the policies that will make a difference to families, workers and communities and pushing back against MAGA Republican extremism and chaos.”

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