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Sunday 18 December National Day in Qatar

Occasional Digest - a story for you

Qatar had started to develop into an important settlement in the eighteenth century. Following periods of control from various local regions, including agreements with the British, the Ottoman Empire arrived in 1871 at the request of the Emir. 

On December 18th 1878, Sheikh Jassim bin Mohammed Al Thani, succeeded his father, Sheikh Mohammed bin Thani, as ruler of Qatar, becoming its first Emir in a lineage that continues to this day. 

Ruling Qatar until his death in 1913, Sultan Jassim is revered in Qatar as ‘The Founder’ as under his rule he unified the tribes of the peninsula marking the creation of the modern state of Qatar. His leadership, both political and militarily, defined Qatar’s status a nation in the view of the two key powers in the region at that time – the Ottomans and the British. 

During the first world war, the Ottoman Empire was falling apart as a result of losing a series of key battles. Qatar took part in the Arab revolt against the Ottoman Empire, forcing the Ottomans from Doha in 1915. 

In 1916 Qatar became a British protectorate. Qatar gained independence from the United Kingdom and became an independent sovereign state on September 3rd 1971. September 3rd was originally celebrated as Qatar’s National Day. 

Doha is the capital city of Qatar. Its name comes from the Arabic word ‘Ad-Dawha’, which means ‘the big tree’. 

Other activities include firework displays, demonstrations of traditional skills and sports competitions. 

Many Qataris decorate their cars and homes, draping them with national flags and other patriotic symbols. Others take to the corniche to witness the annual parade and cheer on as planes show off acrobatic manoeuvres overhead. 

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