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A court of appeals has reversed a judge’s appointment of a so-called “special master” who Donald Trump wanted to review documents seized by the FBI from his Florida home.

It’s a major blow for the former US president because it means all of the seized records can now be used in an ongoing criminal investigation against him.

Let’s take a look at what has played out and how it could impact the US Justice Department’s investigation into the retention of top-secret government information.

What is a special master?

A special master is someone (usually an attorney, but not always) who is appointed in a highly sensitive case to go through seized materials and make sure that investigators don’t review privileged information.

The American Bar Association, which represents legal professionals in the country, says the role of a special master involves making sure that the court order is being followed.

“Special masters often accompany peace officers in searches for documentary evidence in the possession of or under the control of attorneys, physicians, psychotherapists and clergy,” the association said.

How did Trump get approval for a special master?

FBI agents carried out a court-approved search of Mr Trump’s Mar-a-Lago estate in Florida on August 8.

Those agents seized more than 10,000 records, including about 100 marked as classified.

Two weeks later, Mr Trump filed a lawsuit requesting a special master be assigned to examine the documents.

The request went to US District Judge Aileen Cannon, who was nominated by Mr Trump himself when he was in office.

A pinkish Mediterranean-style villa sits on a manicured green lawn surrounded by palm trees under a bright blue sky.
Donald Trump’s Mar-a-Lago estate was raided by the FBI in August.(AP Photo: Pablo Martinez Monsivais)

In September, Judge Cannon named Raymond Dearie, another federal judge, to act as special master and review the records to decide if some should be kept from investigators.

Judge Cannon also prevented prosecutors from using the documents taken in the search as part of their criminal investigation until the conclusion of Judge Dearie’s review, although a separate 11th Circuit panel later gave the government access to the materials marked as classified.

Mr Trump’s lawyers asked Judge Dearie to find that some of the documents met the definition of “personal” papers that should be kept private, or were protected by executive privilege, which allows presidents to keep certain communications secret.

The lawyers argued that Judge Dearie designated certain records as Mr Trump’s personal papers. This claim was disputed by the Justice Department, which claimed that the use of a special master had delayed its criminal investigation.

A courtroom sketch of a white male judge guesting with his hands.
Judge Raymond Dearie presides over a public hearing in September, his first since being appointed as special master.(Reuters: Jane Rosenberg)

How did Trump lose his special master?

The US Justice Department challenged Judge Cannon’s decision to name a special master, and the Atlanta-based 11th Circuit US Court of Appeals ruled in favour of that challenge on Thursday.

The panel of judges said Judge Cannon didn’t have the authority to grant Mr Trump’s request for a special master.

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