Wed. Jul 3rd, 2024
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A human rights activist has called for further probes of Queensland police culture and “a huge vacuum clean out” of the service.

The Independent Commission of Inquiry into Queensland Police Service (QPS) culture and responses to domestic and family violence has this week heard several incidents of bullying, sexism, homophobia and racism.

After more than 50 years of activism, Professor Gracelyn Smallwood said the extent of misconduct came as no surprise to her.

“None of that’s new to me,” she said.

Professor Smallwood said there now needs to be broader inquiries into racism and sexual misconduct in the QPS to ensure inappropriate behaviour is stopped.

“Now is the time. Not just to deal with it mildly,” she said.

“There has to be massive inquiry, and massive changes, not from a top-down approach, but from a bottom-up approach.

“I believe that we’ll have a better future for all Australians once all of this inappropriate behaviour is cleaned out.

“There’s got to be a big vacuum clean out of the entire department.

“I believe [Commissioner] Katarina [Carroll] is the person who can do it with a lot of support from politicians who don’t believe in this inappropriate antisocial behaviour.”

Professor Smallwood said she was happy the issues had been raised in the inquiry.

“I’m really pleased because I never thought it would happen in my time and 50 years of advocating that this would all come out,” she said.

“We’ve got to turn the triangle upside down in Australia, because people have got their head in the sand.”

‘I was surprised at the surprise’

Queensland Police Commissioner Katarina Carroll
Police Commissioner Katarina Carroll described racism by serving QPS officers as “atrocious”. (AAP: Jono Seale)

On Thursday, Commissioner Carroll became emotional as she gave evidence about the multiple complaints of sexual harassment she made in the police service in the 1980s and 1990s.

The inquiry heard she was “pinched on the arse” by a senior officer at a watch house early in her career, and was “attacked by a sexual predator” colleague.

“I was shocked to see her in the inquiry and talking about her own sexual abuse,” Professor Smallwood said.

The support comes after the government also expressed their backing of the commissioner.

The inquiry also heard several instances of racism within the QPS, including a sergeant who said “You can smell them before you see them” in reference to First Nations people.

Commissioner Carroll said she was disturbed by the “absolutely horrific” evidence of racism.

Queensland University of Technology Indigenous health professor and director of the Institute of Collaborative Race Research, Chelsea Watego said she was not surprised by revelations of racism.

“I was surprised at the surprise surrounding it given there has been so much evidence put forth by particularly Indigenous peoples,” she said.

“I was a bit kind of annoyed that people were shocked at these findings.

A headshot of a woman in a park. She is looking off-camera and has a neutral expression.
Institute of Collaborative Race Research director Chelsea Watego says inquiries without accountability are “useless”.(Supplied: Norman Wakerley)

“Why haven’t they been paying attention to the testimonies of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people all this time?

“A key question that we need to ask ourselves once we move past a state of shock about these findings is what do we do about it?

“Inquiries without accountability are all but useless.”

Rather than a separate inquiry into racism, Professor Watego said she would like to see a scaling back of police budgets and redirecting the funds to the “community control sector to better respond to these issues”.

“Over the last 20 years, we’ve seen a defunding of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders community control centre and we have a small number of organisations that carry the burden,” she said.

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