Sat. Jul 6th, 2024
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The UK’s new Prime Minister Liz Truss wants to “pause or prevent” the Scottish government’s new bill to allow trans people to self-identify, according to whistleblowers.

Two government whistleblowers told Vice World News that Truss has recruited lawyers to help delay the new Gender Recognition Reform Bill.

Current gender recognition procedures in the UK have been criticised by trans people and LGBTQ+ organisations.

They are said to be archaic, intrusive and unfair to trans people.

The UK has one of the most restrictive gender recognition processes in Europe.

This is said to be a result of the 2004 Gender Recognition Act.

Downing Street reportedly dropped long-term plans for reform.

However, the Scottish Government continued to push the law forward and published plans to “improve trans lives.”

The Gender Recognition Reform Bill is expected to be implemented into law by March 2023.

Once it’s approved, trans people over 16 in Scotland will be able to change their legal sex on their birth certificate.

They will not need to provide a medical diagnosis of evidence of living as their gender.

Current laws mean that trans people in the UK looking to make legal changes to their gender identity must be over 18, undergo medical assessments and psychiatric interviews in order to prove their gender and receive a Gender Recognition Certificate.

Around only 1% of trans people have said certificate in the country.

Additionally, non-binary identities are not recognised in UK law.

The whistleblowers talked to Vice under the condition of anonymity, due to fear of losing their jobs.

One whistleblower stated they are: “concerned that all of Scotland’s great trans equality work will be undone when Liz Truss steps into Number Ten.”

“She has asked for legal teams to look into how to ‘pause or prevent’ the Scotland Gender Recognition Act Bill, as a priority. I would not be surprised if Truss successfully stops it.”

“Truss is worried that trans people from England, Wales and Northern Ireland will be able to travel to Scotland to get legal gender recognition, then head back to where they actually live. She is furious about what Scotland pushing ahead with this plan could do to women’s rights in the rest of the UK, but she is concerned for Scotland too,” another whistleblower said.

Truss was previously the minister for Equalities, before winning the Conservative leadership race against Rishi Sunak.

The government Equalities Office confirmed that Truss’ team is “seeking legal advice” and “working with Scottish counterparts and other stakeholders” to explore the possible implications of the bill.

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