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Trump affidavit details classified information was at Mar-a-Lago

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Trump affidavit details classified information was at Mar-a-Lago

“I got into the espionage business for thrills and danger. Now do you know what I have to do to get some of America’s most classified information? I have to go to a freakin’ golf course in Florida.”

The following note was emailed to me Friday by one of my many non-existent, fake, sources in the global spying community. I share it in the interest of national security:

Hello, American readers, my name is [REDACTED] and I’m a veteran spy for an adversarial foreign nation.

Now that a judge has released the redacted affidavit used by your FBI to obtain a warrant to search former President Donald Trump’s home at the Mar-a-Lago country club in Florida, there’s something I need to get off my chest: Your former president has totally taken the fun out of spying.

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